
Citizens of the World: U.S. Women and Global Government (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022)

Pan American Women: U.S. Internationalists and Revolutionary Mexico (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014)

More on Citizens of the World

Other Recent Work

  • “International Arbitration and the Roots of Women’s Foreign Policy Activism,” Journal of the Gilded Age & Progressive Era 22, no. 3 (July 2023): 278–295.

  • “The Draft in U.S. History,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, ed. Jon Butler (Oxford University Press, 2022),

  • “Women’s Politics in International Context,” America in the World, 1900-1945, eds. Brooke L. Blower and Andrew Preston, vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of America in the World, ed. Mark Philip Bradley (Cambridge University Press, 2022): 360–380.

What’s in the Pipeline

  • Selective Justice: The Draft, the Law, and the Vietnam War (book manuscript)

  • “Gender,” Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, 4th ed., eds. Frank Costigliola and Barbara Keys (under contract with Cambridge University Press)

  • “Conscription and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States,” Conscription in the Global Twentieth Century, ed. Amy Rutenberg (under contract with University Press of Kansas)

Public Engagement